Thursday, 8 October 2009

On line advertising "Overtakes TV"

Last week two little things happened that made me think that the "digital age" is becoming a reality for more and more people.

First, I got one of these joke e-mails entitled, "You know you're living in 2009 when ....."
One of the "indicators" that resonated with me was, "You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three" and another was, "You get up in the morning and go online before you have your coffee". Both apply in our household!

Next the BBC reported on Wednesday that, "Online advertising overtakes TV. Online advetising spending in the UK has overtaken television expenditure for the first time"

Moral is, I think, that more and more people look first to the net for their information and entertainment and they also shop more online. And the smart money is following that trend. lets companies tap into that trend in a very effective way for a very modest outlay .... and reach out to potential new customers.