Tuesday, 5 August 2008

At Fairways BNI chapter (Scotland)

Early Friday mornings are the usual time for our weekly BNI business networking meetings at Dullatur Golf Club in Cumbernauld, just north of Glasgow. The meetings are an opportunity for like-minded business people to get together and do some business. BNI's philosophy is "givers gain". It's about building trust and sound business relationships over time rather than a fast sprint for a quick win. Iain Whyte is BNI's Executive Director for Scotland South and East and he's also our current chapter director. Which is good for our group as he's passionate about the BNI concept and very convincing on that theme. In fact Iain is a renowned inspirational speaker and has recently set up as http://www.bigmantalking.com/. Iain is also a big hearted sort of guy and last month he and BNI co-director, Colin Read, rode across America in kilts (2,913 miles in 10 days!), on Harley Davidsons to raise money for the http://www.moebiusresearchtrust.org/. On the way they had some great experiences and encountered a lot of kindness and support. You can follow their exploits on their blog at http://kiltsacrossamerica.co.uk/.
Ian is a firm believer in the power of business networking and sees http://www.iusejoe.com/ as a valuable tool to extend his networking reach.

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